Introducing Soundboard Station
The ultimate platform for selling sound drops.
Stand out from other content creators with a new type of content and merch offering.
What is Soundboard Station?
Soundboard Station is a website where you can play, create, share, buy, and sell soundboards.
Why should I use Soundboard Station?
What pricing models can I use to sell soundboards?
- User selects donation amount
- Preset price for each soundboard in Studio
Episode 1: High Level Walk-Through
Join us in this video for an orientation to Soundboard Station.
In this video, we will introduce you to the various areas of the site.
Topics covered:
- Navigation and Layout
- Information Pages
- Production Areas
- Administrative Areas
Episode 2: Creating a User
Join us in this video as we walk through the process of creating your user at Soundboard Station.
We cover all the mental prep work and what to expect, so you don't have to figure it out all on your own.
Topics covered:
- Creating your user -
- Confirming your email address
- Login troubleshooting
- Resetting your password
Episode 3: Creating a Soundboard
Coming soon...
Up to Bat
Currently being worked on at Soundboard Station
Soundboard Button Settings Modal
- Make it apparent that this does not change gain for clip everywhere
- Click to play, click to pause
- Click to play, click to restart
Permission Editor
How-To Video Series - Episodes 1 - 4
Join Method Editor
How-To Video Series - Episodes 5 - 9
- Free
- One Time Payment
- Donation
- Subscription
- Access Request
Studio Feed Page
- Logged in users only
- Logged in users only
- would serve as an object to store the "cancellation" window
- needed to prevent accidental PowerChat/PowerDrop orders
Backstage Chat
Rendering Lifecycles
Host Features
Moderator Features
- Instead of CanEditPermissions, CanEdit[Session/Backstage]TimelinePermissions
Studio Session Scheduling
High Priority Bugs
Audio Clips Index Page
- Bootstrap-table-ism?
- Or is it the loading spinner
- Bootstrap-table-ism...
Studio Editor
"Not authorized to set the soundboard asdondoinasd in studios"
because this prevents the user from being able to change anything at all
- perhaps, not taking into consideration?
Bench Warmers
How-To Video Series - Episode 10
Scheduled Session Auto-Generation
File Uploading
- Affects Audio Clip upload page
- Affects Studio Soundboard Create/Edit pages (PowerDrop images)
Soundboard Editor/Player Upgrades
Profile settings
Audio Engineering
Move Button(s)
- When single button selected
- Also when multiple buttons selected
Copy/Paste Style
- Try to copy spreadsheet copy/paste behavior
- Single button, easy => single style to all targets
- Multiple buttons, HARD => map styles to target range of buttons (many edge cases... implement in subsequent stage/phase?)
- possibly easier for mobile
General Bugs/Testing
UI Improvements
- Perhaps, give permission summary?
- Make it WAY more clear when something is public, vs not public
- In case the user WANTS to clear the changes,
- OR in case the editor(s) get into a broken state
- It allows creating personal permissions, despite the person not having a personal permission for the soundboard (they have a membership permission)
Audio Clip Uploading
Soundboards/Audio Clips Pages
Payment Method Creation
Join Method Validations
Permission Editor Improvements
- Workaround: add a soundboard permission for the group, or modify on the audio clip edit page
- Problem: this may be confusing to mix filters and "select all" functionality in the same row
- Also, mobile devices don't have columns
- is the authoring session being cleared properly?
- Maybe, this is actually a good thing
Studio Room Layouts
- verify UI on phone when changing orientation
- Current js library sucks completely
- A new, simple, custom component should be made
- It should use Popper
- It should render a select element on phones
- It should also accept text input from keyboard
- on desktop
- and phones
- It should default to :00 and :30 times
- Decide on using separate dropdown/select for hours, minutes, and am/pm...
- May be better than scrolling through from 12:00 AM all the way to 11:30 PM...
Button Previews
- set via mousein/out?
- or with hover in CSS?
- or debounced global mouse move event?
- Make button grow indefinitely?
- Or truncate text with elipses?
Dimensions Section
Deletion Logic Upgrades
Access Groups Index Page
Group Lifecycles
My Subscriptions page
My Payments page
Group Payments page
Refund Process
Access Requests
Admin Upgrades
Allow user to subscribe to notifications for studio
- Schedule changes
- Show starting
- in 5 minutes
- in 15 minutes
- in 1 hour
Job running service
"every other Tuesday" is NOT supported by cron
- Would need secondary evaluation to determine this...
- Also, should check if existing session is cancelled